Loading, unloading, storage of LPG

WestTransExpedition is the owner of the terminal adjacent to Lyschytsya station of Belarusian Railway and carries out storage, loading and dispatch of LPG in 1,435 mm (West European) gauge and 1,520 mm (Customs Union) gauge rail tank cars.

The gas filling station is equipped with a loading/unloading, two-way, reversible railway overpass with 16 posts (8 posts for Customs Union gauge cars and 8 posts for the West European gauge cars), and two posts for filling/emptying of tank trucks;

  • The production facilities of the gas filling station include 5 tanks with a total capacity of 1,000 m3;
  • Filling and emptying of rail tank cars and tank trucks is carried out by three Aurex D981 compressors and three Aurex Z4500 pumps.

The process of acceptance and shipment of incoming LPG is as follows: when the rail tank cars with LPG are delivered at the territory of the enterprise, they are reconciled with the data specified in the transportation documents. In the event of a shortage, a claim is drawn up; if the weight corresponds to the data specified in the transportation documents, the rail tank cars are transported to the loading/unloading overpass, and the seals are opened on the cars for control sampling by the specialists of the in-house laboratory in order to confirm the compliance of the quality of the incoming gas with the parameters specified in the supplier’s quality certificate.

Then, the gas is discharged into stationary tanks through the creation of a pressure drop of not less than 0.1 MPa by means of injection of LPG vapour phase into the rail tank cars and simultaneous withdrawal of the vapour phase from the reservoir subgroup, into which the gas is discharged.

When the empty rail tank cars are delivered to the filling area, they are inspected for technical serviceability, which is confirmed by a certificate of technical condition of the tank car for the transportation of dangerous cargo. Upon the receipt of documents for the shipment of LPG, it is filled with the help of compressor and pumping units. Weight control is performed by weighing empty and filled rail tank cars with the help of VS-150 VD scales. After that, the shipment documents are executed.

Application for the storage of LPG
General information
Estimated storage volume, tons
Other information
 * — indicates mandatory fields